NECA’S Mission
The National Electrical Contractors Association represents, promotes and enhances the management interests of its electrical contractor members through labor relations, education, management skill improvement, apprentice and journeyman training, marketing services, public relations, information, communication, and creation of a better business environment.

NECA also coordinates the collective activities of the electrical contracting industry in the following areas:
- Government relations
- Technical standards
- Public relations
- Communication
- Information
- Business ethics
Member Benefits
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LMCC – Labor Management Cooperation Committee
Our mission is “to improve the relationship between signatory employers and the IBEW at all levels, to explore ways to work together to become more competitive, to implement programs that increase employment opportunities for these employers and their employees, and to promote the value of union electrical work to the end user.” – Mission Statement of the NLMCC.
The programs of the LMCC have been developed from recommendations by the membership of both NECA and the IBEW, local unions, and chapters.
The LMCC goals:
- To improve communication between representatives of Labor and Management.
- To expand and improve working relationships between workers and managers.
- To provide workers and employers with opportunities to study and explore new and innovative joint approaches to achieving organizational effectiveness.
- To ensure and develop standards regarding the continuing education of the Journeyman Wireman.
- To foster improvements in occupational safety and health and other working conditions in the construction industry.
- To provide a meaningful marketing program.
- To implement a mechanism to benchmark current market share and future market share trends as a result of programs initiated and/or administered by this Committee.
Chapter Leadership

Brian Dew

Elizabeth Butler

Michael Dishon

Jerry Kaltenbach

Jeremy Ryan
Elizabeth Butler – Chairman
Brian Dew
Brian Hartshorn
Jerry Kaltenbach
Mark Bosko – Chairman
Michael Dishon
Anthony “Tony” Fay – Chairman
Miles Ferguson – Chairman
John Taylor